

Our speciality

Our specialty is Strategic Change Consulting.

We advise visionary CEO’s, C-suite executives, senior leaders, project managers and change consultants on all aspects of the design and implementation of transformational change so it delivers breakthrough business and cultural results. Breakthrough in results require breakthrough in consciousness and advanced transformational strategies. We support you to achieve the breakthroughs in mindset, behavior, culture and systems that enable you to create your vision and realize your full potential.

What can we help you best with?

Our expertise integrates personal and organization transformation.

Specific Areas of Expertise:

- Developing Conscious Leaders

  • Building Co-Creative Teams

  • Transforming Organizations and Culture

- Transformational change strategy development and execution

- Building organizational change capability

- Change methodology and tools

- Change leadership development

- Change Strategy Development

- Change consultant development

- Enterprise Change Disciplines
- Leadership Alignment
- Project Launch Strategy
- Vision and Values
- Case for Change
- Change Governance
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Change Communications
- Impact Analysis and Implementation Planning
- Change Project Reviews

- Breakthrough Consulting workshops

What Results and Impact can you expect from our work?

Unleashing human performance. Transforming organizations. 

Our consultants are experts in assisting you to design your change process so:

- The optimal design solution gets created
- Stakeholders are engaged early so they commit rather than resist the change
- Implementation runs smoothly, including any needed course corrections
- Required shifts in mindset, behavior and culture occur as part of the change
- The design solution is adopted and sustained by all stakeholder groups
- Intended ROI is achieved, on time and on budget
- Change capability is developed as part of the process
While most of our consulting is on enterprise or division-wide initiatives, we can help you customize our approaches to any magnitude of change, no matter what its focus.


To understand why some leaders are so effective, you first have to understand how they think. Leaders think differently from each other, they think from different developmental stages.

We can describe skills and knowledge acquisition as horizontal development. It’s about what you think and what you know.

An additional dimension that has recently entered into the thinking about leadership development is vertical development "the ability to think, see and act in more complex ways. It’s about how you think. It’s about maturity, and growing ‘up’ and increasing one’s ‘depth.' and world-views. 

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Consider the difference between pouring more water in a glass and increasing the size of the glass so it holds more water in it.

The problem for most leaders…is that the cup of leadership knowledge is already full… They already know what to do; they just can’t do it or be it.  The limiting factor is no longer the content (the leader’s knowledge); it is the cup (the leader’s mind), and his ability to use the knowledge to walk the talk and play a bigger game. Increasing the cup size is "vertical development". The aim of Vertical Development is not to add more to the cup but to grow the size of the cup itself.


Where Piaget left off in childhood, other researchers like Robert Kegan and Bill Torbert picked up in adulthood.

For a long time it was assumed that once you become an adult, these stages of development would stop—after all you are a grown-up, right? But they discovered that developmental stages do in fact continue into adulthood, though something about the way adults develop changes. Children move rapidly through the stages, but adult’s pace of development slows dramatically, almost to the point of plateauing. and while a child’s development happens automatically, adults cannot simply sit back and wait; they need to work to keep growing. So, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
